Due Diligence for Obtaining Citizenship by Investment

Due Diligence, a meticulous examination of risks associated with financial transactions, plays a pivotal role in citizenship by investment (CBI) programs. This comprehensive guide explores the importance of Due Diligence, its critical role in obtaining citizenship, and the evolving landscape of regulations and scrutiny. From the initial checks to the intricacies of international standards, we delve into the Due Diligence process, its challenges, and strategies to ensure a successful outcome.

What is due diligence?

Due diligence is a comprehensive investigation and verification process before significant transactions, such as investments, acquisitions, or citizenship applications. It aims to ensure that parties involved are not associated with illegal activities, such as money laundering or terrorism, and to validate the legality of funds.

In citizenship by investment programs, due diligence is mandatory, involving checks on an applicant’s background, criminal record, and the sources of their funds. The process is critical in addressing security concerns and has become stricter globally to prevent individuals with malicious intent from accessing privileges like citizenship or residence.

Why is Due Diligence Crucial?

Due Diligence safeguards against illicit activities by scrutinizing the legal origin of funds, ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) measures, and verifying that applicants are not associated with terrorism or criminal activities.

The stakes are high in the context of CBI programs, where individuals seek citizenship or residence through substantial investments. Governments aim to ascertain that funds are legitimate and applicants have clean records, aligning with global efforts to combat financial crimes.

Who Conducts Due Diligence?

Due Diligence for CBI programs is a multi-stage process. Government-licensed agents conduct preliminary checks, ensuring applicants meet the initial criteria. In-depth assessments are conducted by certified Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officers, who verify personal and financial information. International organizations such as Interpol, Europol, and FATF provide additional conclusions, contributing to the overall evaluation of the applicant.

Due Diligence Process

The Due Diligence process unfolds in stages, beginning with preliminary checks by licensed agents.

Preliminary Due Diligence Check

Preliminary Due Diligence is an initial examination conducted by government-licensed agents to assess an applicant’s eligibility for a CBI program.


  • Know Your Client (KYC) checks are performed following industry standards.
  • Licensed agents, like Immigrant Invest, utilize certified Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officers for preliminary checks.
  • A thorough analysis takes 1 to 3 business days, involving a review of the applicant’s passport, business questionnaire, criminal record certificate, and other pertinent details.


  • Identifies potential risks early in the application process.
  • Enables the preparation of additional documents to counter identified risks.

Real-World Example:

  • Immigrant Invest’s preliminary Due Diligence discovered a potential issue with a client sharing the same name as a convicted criminal.
  • Additional information, such as the timing of business registration, was included in the application to refute any connection to the criminal, ensuring a fair evaluation.

Main Due Diligence:

Main Due Diligence is the in-depth examination carried out by the government department responsible for the CBI program after submitting the citizenship application.


  • Government specialists scrutinize the applicant’s reputation, political exposure, rejection history, business activities, and the legality of funds.
  • Checks extend to business partners and associates.
  • Requests for additional documents may arise, potentially delaying the process.


  • Evaluates the overall eligibility of the applicant.
  • Ensures compliance with EU Visa Code rules and program-specific criteria.

Real-World Example:

  • Immigrant Invest’s lawyers identified a potential risk involving the criminal record of the client’s father during the Main Due Diligence.
  • A well-crafted affidavit clarified the situation, emphasizing the client’s innocence and the legality of their business, resulting in the swift approval of the application.

Due Diligence Check-in International Organizations:

International organizations like Interpol, Europol, and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) provide additional insights during Due Diligence.


  • Conclusions from these organizations contribute to the overall assessment.
  • Some countries, like Malta, engage independent companies for comprehensive Due Diligence checks.


  • Enhances the global perspective on the applicant’s background.
  • Aligns with global standards for financial audits and compliance.

Information Required for Due Diligence

  • Sources of income, business details, and structure.
  • Financial position and records.
  • Criminal record certificate.
  • History of rejected applications in other countries.
  • Any issues related to personal or business reputation.
  • Political connections.

Risk Factors and Mitigation

  • Certain factors trigger scrutiny but don’t guarantee rejection.
  • Complete documentation mitigates risks.
  • Negative media information or legal proceedings can be countered with supporting evidence.

Features of Due Diligence in Different Countries

  • Nuances exist based on the country.
  • Caribbean countries focus on the legality of funds.
  • Vanuatu employs a two-stage process.
  • EU countries adhere to Directive 2018/163 for rigorous evaluation.

Preliminary Due Diligence at Immigrant Invest

  • Conducted by certified Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officers.
  • Utilizes databases like Lexis Nexis and Dow Jones.
  • The two-stage process ensures a thorough examination before and during document collection.

How to Prepare for Due Diligence:

  • Choose a licensed agent with Due Diligence experience.
  • Sign a contract after a preliminary Due Diligence check.
  • Provide comprehensive information about finances, family, and business.
  • Disclose negative information for proactive mitigation.

Why Trust MICs Global?

Trust MICs Global for a multitude of reasons. Our unwavering commitment to excellence, backed by years of industry experience, makes us a reliable choice. As a leader in the field, we prioritize transparency, ensuring our clients receive accurate information and thorough guidance.

Our team comprises seasoned professionals equipped to navigate complex procedures and provide tailored solutions. We boast an impressive success rate and adhere to the highest due diligence standards.

Partner with us for a seamless experience, whether in citizenship by investment, residence programs, or related services. Trust in our expertise, integrity, and dedication to realizing your global aspirations.


The Due Diligence process in CBI programs is intricate and multifaceted. Successful navigation requires collaboration with experienced and licensed agents, transparency, and adherence to evolving global standards.

As the world intensifies efforts against financial crimes, Due Diligence emerges as a requirement and an indispensable tool for ensuring the integrity and legality of citizenship acquisitions. Continuous compliance and adaptation to changing global standards are imperative for successful outcomes in citizenship by investment programs.

Ready to embark on your global journey? Trust MICs Global for seamless citizenship solutions. Contact us now to turn your dreams into reality!

Feel free to reach out to MICS Global and arrange an initial private consultation. During this session, we’ll explore your specific needs in-depth and offer personalized insights to guide you on your journey. We look forward to connecting with you.


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