Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers’ Program: Eligibility, Fee & Process.

Embarking on the Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers’ Program (QSWP) is a transformative journey for individuals aspiring to call Quebec, Canada, their new home. The QSWP presents a meticulous selection process, demanding a blend of skills, education, and adaptability.

In this article, we delve into the crux of eligibility criteria, decoding the intricate points system, exploring the fee structure, and navigating the step-by-step application process.

From educational qualifications to language proficiency and financial declarations to the issuance of the coveted Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ), this comprehensive guide unveils the nuances of the QSWP, offering a roadmap for those ready to embrace a new chapter in Quebec.

What’s a Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers’ Program?

The Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers’ Program (QSWP) stands as a notable immigration initiative orchestrated by the collaborative efforts of the Quebec government and the Canadian federal government.

It is an exclusive avenue for highly educated and skilled foreign nationals, inviting them to become integral to Quebec’s diverse landscape. Aspiring immigrants engaging in the QSWP navigate a meticulous selection journey governed by a comprehensive points system.

This system thoroughly assesses various criteria, including educational background, professional experience, age, linguistic capabilities, and ties to Quebec. Successful candidates are granted a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ), a pivotal document empowering them to embark on the Canadian permanent residency application process.

The essence of the QSWP lies in its strategic alignment with Quebec’s economic demands, aiming to seamlessly integrate individuals with sought-after skills into the province’s dynamic community.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility for the QSWP is determined by a meticulous selection grid comprising nine factors, and each is assigned a specific set of points. To qualify as a solo applicant, a minimum score of 50 points is required, while couples or applicants with a spouse or common-law partner must score at least 59 points.

  • Training (Maximum 26 points):
    • Education (Maximum 14 points): Points are awarded based on the level of education, ranging from a general high school diploma to a doctorate.
    • Areas of Training (Maximum 12 points): Points are assigned based on professional training in specific areas with solid job prospects in Quebec.
  • Work Experience (Maximum 8 points): Points are awarded based on the duration of eligible work experience, with a maximum of 8 points for more than four years of experience.
  • Age (Maximum 16 points): Points are assigned based on age, with younger applicants receiving higher scores. The maximum score of 16 points is awarded to applicants aged 18 to 35.
  • Language Proficiency (Maximum 22 points): Points are allocated for proficiency in French and English, with a preference for French. Various language evaluation tests are accepted for both languages.
  • Quebec Connection (Maximum 8 points): Applicants with a connection to Quebec, either through family or having spent time in the province, can earn up to 8 points.
  • Characteristics of Spouse (Maximum 17 points): Spouse’s education, training area, age, and French language proficiency contribute to the applicant’s overall score.
  • Validated Job Offer (Maximum 10 points): Applicants with a validated permanent employment offer can earn up to 10 points, depending on the job location.
  • Accompanying Children (Maximum 8 points): Points are awarded for applicants bringing children to Canada, with different scores for children under 13 and those aged 13 to 19.
  • Financial Self-sufficiency (Maximum 1 point): A single point is awarded if the applicant meets the Quebec immigration minimum settlement funds requirement.

Fee Structure

To participate in the QSWP, applicants must pay mandatory government processing fees. As of the latest information available:

  • Principal applicant: CAD 773
  • Spouse or common-law partner: CAD 166
  • Dependent children: CAD 166 each

For example, a family of four must pay a total fee of $1,271. It’s crucial to stay updated on fee structures as they may be subject to change.

The Application Process

Embarking on the journey toward Quebec through the Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers’ Program (QSWP) is more than just a process—it’s a strategic endeavor that demands precision and foresight. Elevate your chances of a successful immigration experience with this comprehensive guide:

  • Unlock Your Eligibility: Before you set sail on this transformative journey, meticulously dissect the eligibility criteria outlined by Immigration Quebec. Your education, work history, age, language prowess, and ties to Quebec all play a role in determining your eligibility.
  • Crafting Your Documentation Arsenal: Arm yourself with a meticulously curated set of documents, ranging from educational certificates to proof of work experience and language proficiency test results. This dossier, extensive as it may be, is your ticket to the next phase of the application.
  • Seamless Online Odyssey (Mon projet Québec): Navigate the QSWP waters effortlessly through the “Mon projet Québec” online immigration system. Create an account, submit your application, and witness the power of streamlined processes that enhance accessibility and efficiency.
  • Point Your Way to Success: Your destiny is quantified through a points system, where your education, work history, age, and language proficiency contribute to your overall score. Single applicants need at least 50 points, while couples strive for at least 59.
  • CSQ: Your Golden Ticket: Triumph over the hurdles, meet the criteria, and achieve the minimum points—your reward is the coveted Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ). This certificate propels you to the next chapter of your immigration journey.
  • Federal Residency Voyage: Armed with the CSQ, set sail towards Canadian permanent residency through the federal immigration system, orchestrated by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  • Health and History Crossroads: As part of the federal application, undergo a thorough medical examination and background scrutiny. These steps ensure you align with the health and security standards set by the Canadian government.
  • Embrace Permanent Residency: Rejoice in the approval of your permanent residency, granting you the liberty to live, work, and study anywhere across the vast landscapes of Canada.
  • Weave into Quebec’s Fabric: Beyond residency, immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Quebec by actively participating in the local community, seeking employment, and embracing the cultural and social nuances of life in this vibrant province.


The Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers’ Program serves as a gateway for skilled individuals seeking to establish themselves in the vibrant province of Quebec. From stringent eligibility criteria and processing fees to a detailed application process, the program demands careful consideration and meticulous preparation from prospective immigrants. Keeping abreast of updates and changes is essential for navigating the evolving landscape of the Quebec Skilled Worker Program and securing a coveted Certificat de sélection du Québec.

Feel free to reach out to MICS Global and arrange an initial private consultation. During this session, we’ll explore your specific needs in-depth and offer personalized insights to guide you on your journey. We look forward to connecting with you.


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