How can I acquire a Canadian work permit through the Intra-Company Transfer program?

Embarking on a professional journey in the vibrant landscape of Canada is not just a dream but an achievable reality through the Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) program. This exclusive pathway beckons skilled individuals and ambitious entrepreneurs, offering a golden ticket to work within their multinational organizations on Canadian soil.

Imagine a seamless transition, free from the usual red tape, as you bring your expertise to Canada’s dynamic business scene. This guide unveils the key steps and insights to unlock the door to your Canadian work permit through the Intra-Company Transfer program. Your Canadian career adventure awaits – let’s make it happen!

Understanding the ICT Program

The ICT program is designed to streamline the process for companies transferring employees to Canada. Two fundamental aspects set this program apart:

  • LMIA Exemption: The Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) program offers a noteworthy advantage by sparing employers from the demanding Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) process. Unlike other work permit categories, this exemption liberates companies from the obligation to prove that hiring a foreign employee will not adversely affect Canada’s labor market.
  • Nature of Work: A prerequisite for obtaining an ICT work permit is classifying the applicant’s role in Canada as “managerial, executive, or involving specialized knowledge.” A profound comprehension of these categories is essential for both employers and employees aiming to navigate the program successfully.

Who Can Apply for the ICT Program?

The ICT program caters to three distinct categories of individuals:

  • Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Shareholders:
    • Currently holding executive positions in successful companies.
    • Intent on performing similar work in Canada.
  • Senior and Functional Managers:
    • Presently employed in a foreign company.
    • Intending to assume similar positions in Canada.
  • Key Employees with Specialized Knowledge:
    • Possessing advanced knowledge that is unique or uncommon.

Applicants in these categories must meet specific criteria to secure a work permit under the ICT program.

ICT Canada Requirements

The Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) program in Canada has specific eligibility criteria that applicants must meet to secure a work permit. The requirements vary based on the applicant’s role, the nature of the company, and the intent behind the transfer. Here are the key ICT Canada requirements:

  • Operational Duration: The home company must have been operational for a minimum of 12 months, with a preference for a more extended period, ideally three years, before expansion to Canada.
  • Financial Stability: The home company should demonstrate financial stability, proving its capability to support foreign operations in Canada.
  • Applicant’s Experience: The applicant seeking an ICT work permit must have been actively engaged with the home company for at least 12 months in the three years preceding the immigration application.
  • Company Relationship: The home company must have a relevant relationship with the company in Canada, functioning as a parent, subsidiary, or affiliate.
  • Viability and Job Creation: Canadian operations must be deemed a viable enterprise, contributing to job creation for Canadians.

These requirements ensure that the ICT program is leveraged by established companies with a proven track record, promoting economic growth and collaboration within Canada. Understanding and meeting these criteria are essential for a successful Intra-Company Transfer to Canada.

Eligibility for an ICT Work Permit

Applicants must meet specific criteria at various levels, including employees, established companies, and start-ups, to be eligible for an ICT work permit.

Employee Eligibility:

  • Currently employed at a foreign multinational company (MNC).
  • Transferring to a Canadian company that is a branch, parent company, subsidiary, or affiliate of the foreign employer.
  • Undertaking employment at a legitimate and continuing establishment of the company in Canada.
  • Compliant with all temporary entry requirements for immigration to Canada.
  • Having worked full-time for a minimum of one continuous year (in the last three years) in a role comparable to the one in Canada.

Exemptions to Full-Time Work Requirement:

  • Part-time employees may be considered based on factors like the number of years worked, comparability of positions, and the extent of the part-time role.
  • Recent corporate acquisitions or mergers may bypass the “one continuous year” requirement.

Established Company Eligibility:

  • Foreign MNC with a Canadian company, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate.
  • Engaged in ongoing business activities with the Canadian company receiving the ICT work permit applicant.
  • The Canadian company must be operational, providing goods and services continuously.

Start-Up Eligibility:

  • Foreign MNCs are aiming to establish a new business in Canada.
  • Demonstrating financial capacity to support start-up costs and employee compensation.
  • Providing a comprehensive business plan outlining staffing and business operations in Canada.
  • Securing or actively pursuing a physical location for the start-up.
  • Ensuring the company’s size is sufficient to support transferring employees.
  • Canadian management must be responsible for directing work conducted in Canada.

How do you Apply for an Intra-Company Transfer Work Permit?

To initiate the application process for an Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) Work Permit in Canada, applicants must diligently follow a series of strategic steps. It is imperative first to confirm eligibility for the program and then devise a robust strategy to present a compelling case to Canadian immigration authorities. For first-time ICT applicants, the following steps should be carefully undertaken:

Step 1: Company Registration

Register the company in Canada, designating it as a parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of the home company.

Step 2: Business Plan Preparation

Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining the proposed activities, market research, and operational strategy for running a profitable venture in Canada. Include a detailed hiring plan and cash flow projections for at least 2-3 years, aligning with industry standards.

Step 3: Document Collection

Gather all required documents, including bank statements, articles of incorporation, and evidence of investment funds, among others, to support the work permit application.

Step 4: Application Submission

Prepare and submit the work permit application, ensuring all necessary documentation is included. Once submitted, await the decision.

Acknowledging that the process may vary significantly based on the applicant’s nationality is crucial. Certain countries benefit from agreements with Canada, providing citizens with a more streamlined immigration process under the ICT program. Additionally, citizens of visa-exempt countries can apply for an ICT Work Permit at the port of entry (POE). Understanding these nuances is essential for a successful ICT application journey in Canada.

Processing Time and Offices

Processing times vary by office and can be checked on the IRCC’s website. Some offices, such as CPC-Edmonton, may offer expedited decisions, but strategic consideration is advised.

ICT Work Permit Duration

ICT work permits are typically issued for 1-2 years, with the possibility of renewal. Factors such as company size and employee role influence the duration. US nationals and citizens from visa-exempt countries may benefit from Free Trade Agreements, allowing for a 3-year ICT work permit.


In conclusion, navigating the Intra-Company Transfer program for a Canadian work permit demands strategic planning and meticulous execution. As applicants await their decisions, understanding the unique considerations based on nationality is critical. For a comprehensive guide and personalized assistance, consider consulting with immigration experts.

Your Canadian career adventure awaits; take the first step towards a thriving professional journey! Explore further insights and consultation possibilities with our immigration specialists today.

Feel free to reach out to MICS Global and arrange an initial private consultation. During this session, we’ll explore your specific needs in-depth and offer personalized insights to guide you on your journey. We look forward to connecting with you.


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